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How Giving Back is Good for You

Tomorrow’s Giving Tuesday. Participating means more than looking good. It can legitimately make you feel good, too. 

This isn’t about the swell of pride you feel if a buddy catches you doing something nice and gives you a solid pat on the back. Even if nobody knows you’ve done a good deed, science shows it benefits your brain and body.

Wanna get those perks? Join us tomorrow! We’re doubling our donations to the SHE RECOVERS Foundation for every Doughp purchase, so treat yourself and you can treat others in the process!

If you need an extra little nudge to get involved in Giving Tuesday tomorrow, here it is.

Why doing good makes you feel good

Whether you give your time or money, you’ll get some kickback. Researchers have continually found that people who participate in doing good report feeling happier. As it turns out, turning your own frown upside down might start with putting a smile on someone else’s face. 

In fact, in a recent survey of more than 4,500 American adults, a whopping 96% who volunteered regularly said that doing so made them happier. 

Plus, when life gets stressful, giving back can help to activate oxytocin (the love hormone). Studies show that this can help to protect you from the negative effects of stress.  

On top of all this, giving your time to a cause you care about can connect you to like-minded people. It can be a great way to make friends who have similar interests. 

Finally, giving to others can make you realize how much you have yourself. That fosters gratitude, which has its perks. We talked about the benefits of being grateful in our blog on gratitude journals if you want to learn more. 

Giving from for the heart

Giving back doesn’t just benefit your mental health. It also affects your physical wellness. Studies show that it can boost your body in the following ways: 

If you want to enjoy more years with a healthier heart, add volunteering or donating to your list. 

We can help you get started. You can help us give back tomorrow! In honor of Giving Tuesday, we’re doubling our donations to the SHE RECOVERS Foundation for every Doughp purchase. So stock up on cookie dough tomorrow and help us do some extra good in the world!

Getting hungry?