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It’s National Recovery Month + Suicide Prevention Week

It's National Recovery Month! Since Doughp was born from our founder’s recovery journey, you know we’re all about it! Join us by exploring topics like these and jumping into our conversations with us @doughp on Instagram.


Smell that? It’s fall in the air. Since September has officially arrived, we’ve got some big dates on the calendar. It’s National Recovery Month and Suicide Prevention Week.

National Recovery Month gets celebrated every year in September. Suicide Prevention Week is another important awareness-raising event and it runs from today until the 10th. 

Since we think both are pretty darn (read: EXTREMELY) important, we want to take the time to talk about them and provide resources for each. 

Participating in National Recovery Month

Several national partners join in this month, from the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to Faces & Voices of Recovery. The theme for the month is “Every Person. Every Family. Every Community.” 

The goal here is to raise awareness about evidence-based recovery treatments and practices. In doing so, this month also supports further research into what works to help people on their path out of addiction. 

Since Doughp was born from our founder Kelsey’s recovery journey, you know this month is important to us. So we wanted to tee up some resources:

  • Identifying addiction. During Recovery Month, we want to encourage all of us to take a look at ourselves and our habits to see if we might be living with addiction
  • Pep for your next steps. As a little motivation to get on the road to recovery, Kelsey says, “Whatever it is in your life that's holding you back or making you feel less than incredible, get it out. Toxic relationships, drugs, alcohol — whatever's not helping make you more awesome, just ditch it. There's too much life out there to enjoy — don't let it slip away!” Want even more inspiration? Check out this interview with Kelsey and Kody Green of Schizophrenic Hippie.
  • Your support community. Remember: you’re not alone. Recovery really is a journey, but you’ve got lots of friends in the same boat here at Doughp and we’d love to come alongside you. Stay tuned to our blog (we’re posting stuff like self-care tips for people in recovery) and follow us on Instagram to join in the raw conversations we’re having there. 
  • Help for women. If you identify as a woman, we also totally recommend the SHE RECOVERS Foundation. We love them so much that we give a portion of all of our sales to them! 

Joining Suicide Prevention Week

Whether you’re in recovery or not, things can get dark sometimes. So we also want to take some time to commemorate Suicide Prevention Week this week. 

If you’re having thoughts of self-harm, consider this your sign to reach out to someone: a friend, a coworker, a trained pro at the new 988 lifeline. You deserve help and it’s waiting for you.

This is also a good reminder for all of us to check in on the people in our lives. If someone you care about seems like they might be sad, angry, or retreating from the things they used to enjoy, talk with them. The conversation might feel awkward at first, but we all need a little help sometimes. And who knows? You might literally save a life.


Trust us, we know that life can be raw. But with our Doughp4Hope campaign and some oh-so-tasty cookie dough, we wanna help. Grab a pint, grab a friend, and let’s take care of each other during National Recovery Month and Suicide Prevention Week. 

Getting hungry?