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Spring Cleaning & Your Brain: The Benefits of a Tidy Space

You’ve probably already intuited that there are some ways a clean house helps your physical health. When you keep things tidy, you minimize the dust and allergens you’re inhaling. You catch potential issues — like mold — before they have the chance to grow and pose a health risk. 

But that’s not the only reason to keep your space sparkling, or at least sparking-adjacent. As it turns out, a clean space can go a long way toward a clear mind. 

The cost of clutter

Here, we’re not necessarily talking about having your baseboards completely dust-free at all times. A little mess is okay. But when you let the clutter accumulate, it starts to take a toll. 

Specifically, clutter can make you feel stressed. Plus, it can heighten symptoms of depression and make it hard for your to focus. 

When you’re at home, you want to feel safe and supported. Letting things get overly messy does the opposite, constantly signaling your brain with stimuli. Ultimately, studies show that living in an unclean space can lessen your overall well-being

Fortunately, the reverse is true. Cleaning your home or apartment can do a lot for you, giving you:

  • Endorphins, hormones that make you feel good
  • A sense of stability and control
  • Better focus
  • More emotional balance

Are you looking around your space now and thinking, sure, sounds nice but I could never get it clean? We’ve got some tips.

Make spring cleaning work for you

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to mean giving your place a top-to-bottom scrub-down. It can be whatever is most meaningful to you. To help you get started, try:

Starting small

Literally. Choose the smallest room in your space and tackle that first. Still feeling overwhelmed? Start with the smallest drawer or shelf in that room. Take things out and wipe it down. Only put back what you need. Donate, recycle, or trash the rest. 

Now, choose the next smallest drawer/shelf. Rinse, repeat. Keep going until it doesn’t feel good anymore. You can pick it back up again tomorrow. 

Being mindful about when and how you spring clean

Cleaning doesn’t have to be another to-do on your list if you’re already stressed out by the tasks you need to tackle. First, pull out your calendar. Look for a day when you’re totally free. Block it off. You could even clean for the first half of the day, then treat yourself to some self-care in the second half.

And as you clean, try to be mindful. It’s okay to go slow. Stepping back and admiring that glistening countertop can give you the push you need to keep going. 

Enlisting help

If you have roommates or a live-in partner, get them involved. Start with a conversation about everyone’s spring cleaning goals. 

Then, to make things manageable, list out three cleaning chores you each hate. You might find out that your roommate abhors mopping but you hate cleaning toilets. Tackling each other’s least-liked to-dos can help your household thrive. 

Making it sustainable

What makes your space messy? Maybe it’s too many beauty/grooming products to fit in your bathroom storage or six appliances on your countertop when you really only use three. 

Spring cleaning isn’t just about a one-time clean. It’s about making your space work for you. Pinpoint your problem areas and give them some TLC. A little attention now can make keeping things clean a lot easier from here on out.

Once you’re done, it’s time to treat yourself. You deserve it! Maybe order some Doughp and commit to tackling a couple of spring cleaning projects by the time your shipment arrives. That way, you can kick back and dig into something delicious as you admire your handiwork. 

Getting hungry?