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Fun, No-Alcohol Ways to Celebrate St. Paddy’s

This year, St. Patrick’s Day falls on a Friday. And that means it’s sure to be a party. 

That can mean a lot of fun with friends and family, but if you’re living the sober lifestyle, it can also mean feeling left out. You might not want to participate in events that are super alcohol-focused, and St. Paddy’s seems to be full of those.

Fortunately, that doesn’t mean you have to have a quiet Friday night at home. You just need to get creative. To help you there, we’ve got a few ideas. Here are some suggestions to have a great time celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, no booze required. 

Hit a parade

Plenty of cities host a St. Paddy’s Day parade. They’re usually filled with energetic people sharing their skills, from bagpiping to step dancing. You might be amazed by how much talent your community turns out at its annual parade!

Plus, these parades are usually during the day and hosted along public roads, which means alcohol consumption is at a minimum. If you’re looking for a temptation-free way to don your finest green attire and celebrate the holiday, find the nearest parade. 

Cook an Irish meal

From soda bread to corned beef, there’s no shortage of tasty options to explore. Whatever you do, don’t forget the potato dish

Spending some time in the kitchen can be a great way to get into the spirit of the holiday. Whether you share what you whip up with friends and family is up to you. 

Have friends over for a NA party

Gather up the gang at your place to celebrate the day. This way, you have a say in what gets served. 

Last year, Bustle published a great roundup of non-alcoholic St. Patrick’s Day drink recipes. A lot of them are green so you can keep the theme going. Or if you really want to stick with the classics, there’s nothing to say you can’t put a few drops of green food coloring in some non-alcoholic beer. Guinness has even debuted their own booze-free option, Guinness 0

If you’re not into beer, we also recommend:

Of course, if your crew is already cooking up plans, you can go along and order or pour up your own alcohol-free beverages. But if you can swing it so you’re the one hosting, limiting the booze gets a little easier. 

Dig into some Doughp

It’s a holiday, which means it’s time to treat yourself. We’ve got you. 

Meet: Feeling Lucky, our Doughp just for the occasion. It’s our classic cookie dough blended with rainbow chocolate-coated candies. There’s no need to search for the pot of gold at the end of that rainbow — we’ll ship it straight to your day. 

Happy St. Paddy’s week, friends!

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